
How Can I Make Money With a Blog? – The Proven Ways for Beginners 

 June 10, 2021

  min read - By  Mason

I'm sorry, did you say blogging was just a hobby? I can't hear what you said over the sound of how wrong it is.

It's not just a hobby, it can make you quite the coin. You're probably thinking to yourself "well how much money is that?" Well I'm here to tell you all about “How can I make money with a blog?” - you might be surprised!

According to a recent survey, blogs have become the most popular form of online marketing.

The way it works is that bloggers create content about their product or service and then post links on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter so other people can find out more information as well – which in turn leads them to buy said products!

When Should You Start to Monetize Your Blog?

There is a lot of trial and error when it comes to monetizing your blog. The more traffic you have, the better position you'll be in for making money online - which is why establishing yourself as an authority within your niche or topic of interest helps so much!

Monetizing your blog requires patience - even if this means working for months without earning enough money from ads or affiliate links to make up for what is spent running the site in terms of hosting fees alone.

when should you start to monetize your blog?

There are several criteria that should be achieved before monetizing your blog:

  1. 1
    The first criterion to monetize your blog is the creation of a self-hosted website. This can be done by installing WordPress on top of an existing domain and hosting it yourself, or purchasing one from companies such as SiteGround. Learn more about: "How to start a blog and make money for beginners?"
  2. 2
    The next step in achieving this goal would be publishing great SEO content that will rank you high up with Google's search algorithms.
  3. 3
    The third step is to build organic traffic. By publishing great SEO content, you will increase the traffic of visitors who are genuinely interested in what it is that you have to say about any given topic.
  4. 4
    Once organic traffic has been established through those methods, try building a community around your brand to build an organic following using social media platforms like Facebook Groups, Twitter or Instagram pages etc.. Investing time into these things will help make sure that people enjoy coming back for more.
social media

What are The Major Challenges When Monetizing a Blog for Beginners?

I'm not gonna lie to you, blogging is tough. It's a long and hard process that requires time and hard work--a LOT of it! But the payoff for working so damn hard can be incredible.

You have your own business with no boss but yourself...and there are some pretty big paychecks in this industry too if you're willing to put in the work.

Following are the major challenges when monetizing a blog for beginners:

  • It's not easy, and it can take time to get there, something that most people don't realize before they start their blogs.
  • Another challenge faced by bloggers is competition from other websites which may be more mainstream or have been around longer than our blog has.
  • The key thing with any type of business is consistency- so make sure you're able to update regularly!

Can you Really Make Money From Blogging?

Isn't it enough that you have to worry about writing creatively and engagingly? Now, even your tone of voice is a factor.

The goal with the type of blog posts I recommend for beginners should be quality over quantity because people are reading them in order to get information from them so they can make decisions on what products or services might work best for their needs.

When deciding how often and when you want to monetize your content (i.e., start running ads), there’s no hard rule but just keep this one thing in mind: As long as readers find value in your advice then money will come naturally.

If you are all about advertising and making income will only turn readers away from your blog.

What are The Easiest Ways That are Proven to Make Money for Beginners?

There are plenty of strategies that bloggers making money from. But as a newbie blogger, just pick up some easy ways that are proven.

1. Make money through affiliate marketing

The power to make money with your blog lies in the hands of affiliate marketing. You can find a way to promote products by using banners or links, and when someone clicks on them you earn commission! That is generally known as affiliate marketing.


How to find affiliate products that fit your niche

Once you've chosen your niche, research what type of items are trending in that category right now, and find which product you want to promote.

For example:

  • If I wanted my blog posts focused on fashion then things like clothing or jewelry would be perfect choices.
  • If I was interested in blogging about food recipes than avocados and cookbooks should work out well.

3 ways to find the affiliate products that fit your niche:

  1. 1
    Discover who offers commissions - Affiliate Marketing Networks
    There are tons of companies offering different types of promotions/commissions so start by looking at sites such as Amazon, Clickbank and JVZoo Affiliates..etc..
  2. 2
    The easiest way to search for your niche’s affiliate program is “Google Search”. Typing in “your niche” plus “affiliate program” or ‘’your niche’’ plus ‘’a specific product name”, and you will find some affiliate programs that could fit your niche.
  3. 3
    You can also try another way to find an affiliate program suited for your needs. Simply search by company name and add "affiliate program" in the keyword box, or try variations such as “partner program” or "associates program".

Some things you should know before getting into affiliate marketing:

Provide Your Own Experience

When it comes to writing about products or services, you want the information that is coming from your own experience. Don’t risk losing people’s trust by promoting something you know nothing about - stick with what has worked for you!

Provide Valuable Information

The key takeaway for all bloggers is not just promotional - providing value first will allow your readership to grow organically then you can make infrequent but targeted suggestions of items they may be interested in which will lead them back to your site!

Using the Pretty Links Plugin

Google doesn't like websites that are nothing more than an attempt to make money off of affiliate links. To deal with this problem, you can use the Pretty Links plugin in order to manage your affiliate links and still provide real value without being too promotional.

Do not Over Promotion

Never use the same affiliate links more than twice in a row. It’s important to provide content that is helpful and valuable before promoting products through blog posts or social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.

How about the downside of affiliate marketing?

The sad truth is that not everyone will buy what you are promoting. It can take a ton of time and effort before any cash starts coming in from your efforts, so it's really important that all steps are followed correctly!

2. Make money by selling your own products or services

2-1 Sell Your Ebooks

The best thing about blogging is that you can make money off with ebooks without having to have a lot of traffic.

Creating ebooks and selling them to your blog’s visitors is a low-risk way for you to bring in some cash without needing much more than an email list.

Plus, they give people the opportunity to see what kind of value that is on offer before shelling out any money at all!

Selling your ebook with a blog

Selling eBooks is one of the most popular ways for Bloggers to monetize their blogs these days because it’s relatively easy (despite what some people say).

Creating ebooks take time and work but are usually priced adequately enough that visitors will buy them too given its relative ease in creation compared to other mediums like video or audio content which requires more production resources than text alone does.

How to Create Your Ebooks

Of course, you could handle your ebook design and creation yourself - but that would mean spending countless hours tweaking fonts. Why not hire a professional ghostwriter?

The decision whether to create your own ebook or not really depends on what type of person you are as well as how much time/money has already been put into developing an idea before considering outsourcing some parts.

If you don’t have the time or skill to write your own book, there are plenty of people out there who can do it for you.

These days whether we're writing books ourselves or outsourcing someone else to complete our task at hand; hiring ghostwriters is one way many choose to take care of their publishing needs.

Ghostwriters are found all over the internet these days - from popular freelancing websites such as Linkedin and other sites that offer this service like Fiverr, Scripted and even Upwork.


Keep in mind that the quality they produce is a reflection of how much money you spend; so if perfectionism isn't something worth investing time into then don’t want about going with someone cheaper.

Where to Sell Your Ebook

You can choose to sell your ebook directly on your blog or through platforms like Amazon Kindle, Gumroad or Podia.

Selling your ebook on your own site then 100% of the profits go to you. Publishing your ebook on Amazon Kindle, only 70% goes to the author but it comes paired with a big added advantage in exposure.

As soon as you publish your ebook on Amazon Kindle, it goes live and is available for purchase to the public around the world immediately! More books means more sales and an even greater chance for success!

amazon kindle
How about the downside of selling Ebooks?

It's funny how bloggers seem to think that they can just type up a blog post and then sell ebooks. Selling an ebook is not as easy as it seems! It takes time, work, creativity-the list goes on. But once you do all the hard stuff, you're rewarded with money!

2-2 Sell Your Online Courses

Selling your online courses is another way to make money with your blog. According to the report of "Research and Markets", more people are taking online courses than ever before, the global E-Learning market to reach $325 billion by 2025.

Rapid growth in online content & digitization / innovations in wearable technologies are flourishing the E-learning industry.

I'm going to give you a little secret; the only thing that stops me from teaching an online course is my fear of public speaking! It's true. I don't know how to teach people things and make them laugh, but it doesn’t take much skill at all.

All you really need are: some knowledge on your topic, patience for making videos or recording audio (even if they're just lectures/podcasts), and good presentation skills so your audience can understand what we're talking about without getting bored with too many details…


So you think it takes a genius to teach an online course? All they really need is for the presenter to understand their subject well and be able to present information so that people get value out of what they are teaching.

Sound like something you can do?

Just like the people in your course, you'll need to create lessons for it. Include downloads and templates if that's what they're expecting or want from you!

Once your course is ready and set up on a learning management system (LMS) plugin like Thrive Apprentice then it can be delivered straight into classrooms anywhere in the world. So everyone can take advantage of all those hours of work on their own time.

3. Make money by Displaying Google AdSense

Google Adsense really is the best way to start making money online. All you have to do is sign up for a Google account and place ads on your site.

It doesn’t require any investment or work on your part, as advertisers will pay for advertising and they only get paid if someone clicks on their ad located in your blog.

But, some people do not like the idea of a display ad because it does not make a good profit. In most cases they would be right, but there are still some reasons these ads are popular despite all their bad press.

One is that they work and can help you monetize your website quickly if nothing else works for you at first glance.

Another one is how easy to use this type of advertising may seem even though it doesn't bring in as many profits per time spent on page compared with other types such as affiliate programs or video advertisements

Display Google AdSense

When it comes to monetizing your website with Google Adsense, you will get paid for every time a user clicks on the ad. These are called PPC ads.

What is a paid per click? Paid-per-click, or PPC, stands for “paid each time someone clicks on an ad." When you display Google Adsense with these types of ads, every time a visitor clicks the advertisement they pay up!

The price set by the advertiser changes depending on how much money is spent in that area and what type of bidding strategy was used to create this campaign.

How Much Can You Earn With Google AdSense?

You want to know how much money you can make from Google Adsense? Well, I don't think it's a secret that there are lots of people who have made their fortunes through the site.

Just about anybody with an internet connection and enough spare time on his or her hands should be able to turn at least some kind of profit over the course of several months.

Google charges advertisers on a per-click basis.Publishers get 68% of the amount that is left over after Google takes their cut, which ranges from $0.20 to $15 depending on the competition and CPC in the niche you are advertising within.

For example, a pet supplies website may only receive around 3 cents for every dollar spent as opposed to an insurance company.

Display Google AdSense

Traffic Is King

Did you know that the amount of traffic to your website is correlated with how much money you can make?

Blogs like ours start off small, but once they get popular and have lots of people visit them every day, we earn a good income through our targeted ads.

We don't usually hear anything from Google about CTR rates for ad clicks on blogs because there are no official statistics available.

But it is safe to say that most bloggers see 1%-2% as an excellent click-through rate. And most probably, the clicks will pay you less than $1 per click. Now you can calculate yourself how much traffic you need to earn the amount you want.

Therefore, if one wants to make money with Google AdSense they should have high volumes of traffic.

The Google AdSense algorithm has been updated recently to reward sites with a higher-quality user experience.

The more time people spend on your site the better you rank for particular search terms and keywords, which in turn means that advertisers will pay more money per click because of how well they are converting visitors into customers.

This means that it is important to create a SEO friendly website and generate a lot of quality SEO content for driving more traffic to your website.

SEO content

The Google Adsense program is a great way to earn some money from your website. It's true that you can't get rich quickly, but it could be the key to getting started in advertising on your site!

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this article for monetizing your blog. You're not just reading a theoretical concept. You might have heard the experts talk about it and they say that blogging for profit is possible if done correctly.

The truth is thousands of bloggers earn commissions from affiliate marketing, or make money by selling their own products, services or displaying Google Adsense.

There are also many other monetization strategies for blogging. Out of all the monetization strategies out there, these are just the most popular and proven ones that tend to generate income for newbie bloggers.

  • Affiliate marketing - where bloggers get paid for recommending products that people purchase through links in blog posts or pages. 
  • Selling ad space - which can be used to display ads related-to your niche interests so it will likely appeal to readers visiting your site.
  • Developing branded products or services - for example: ebooks, online courses or branded merchandise like mugs with witty slogans printed on them

One of the most important factors bloggers have to consider when monetizing their blog is how it will affect readers. Some strategies, like display advertising for example, can really detract from a user's experience and satisfaction with an article they would otherwise enjoy reading.

So, find out which ones work best for you! And find a balance between finding ways to monetize without breaking up the reading process altogether with those annoying ads!

Monetization: what are your options?

A blogger's success hinges on the type of content they produce. Bloggers are more successful when their blogs have a personal touch, and communities form around them as well. 

A common trait among successful bloggers: 

  • They've found that blogging with excellent content is key to building an engaged community.
  • They also use more than one way to make money.
  • These successful bloggers started from the ground up by posting for years before being able to support themselves in any meaningful capacity off their blogs alone - but now many are making sustainable living!

I hope this article has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!

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