
How to Get Free Traffic for Your Blog – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners 

 June 20, 2021

  min read - By  Mason

Despite free traffic being a myth, you can start by generating website traffic with the right marketing strategy.

It’s true that there are many ways to do this, and we'll be exploring some of them in detail shortly.

Your best bet to generate website traffic for free is by planting the right seeds online and letting them grow into your desired result of regular visitors through natural growth.

This article will share with you “how to get free traffic for your blog”, an ultimate guide for beginners, and it covers three methods where this might happen naturally.

The internet is a large place and your blog might not last for long. You need to have the right strategies to make it happen!

Why is more website traffic important?

A lot of people want to make money, but not everyone is successful.The most important thing for a website owner or content creator in today's digital age?

Traffic! It doesn't matter if you're writing articles and blog posts that no one reads because more traffic means higher ad revenue from clicks on ads throughout the site.

More website traffic means more people are able to see your site. When they do, you have the opportunity of converting those visitors into customers or leads!

Why is more website traffic important?

Proven ways to drive more traffic to your site - beginners' guide

1. Traffic from Google

You should know how important it is to employ an effective SEO campaign as soon as possible; after all your goal is not only to generate more traffic but also grow visitors into repeat customers: people who will keep coming back again and again.

When done correctly, search engine spiders crawl endlessly through your pages looking for keywords that they index so new users or potential buyers find what they're searching online without even knowing it! This way any sudden increase (or decrease)

Writing SEO friendly content and setting up your site to be search engine optimized are important steps in increasing traffic to your blog.

SEO content

Set up an SEO friendly site

When it comes to increasing traffic, you want to make sure your site is SEO friendly. If visitors can find what they're looking for on the first page of a Google search then most are going to stay and browse around your website further rather than click off onto another one.

Create SEO contents

To help with this process, be sure that all of your content includes keywords.

Think about what people will go through when using the internet. They usually type in words related to key phrases into google's engine which should bring up results from websites similar enough in topic so we could get an idea where someone was coming from.

Google is a popular search engine that aims to give searchers answers and act as the gateway to more detailed content. If you have plenty of useful information on your website, Google will send traffic in droves!

2. Traffic from Email Marketing

Email is a way to communicate with people and drive targeted traffic.

Email has been around since the '80s, but it's always evolving thanks to new features like video messages or pop-up notifications that let you update your subscribers without them having to visit your site.

Nowadays more than half of the world’s population uses email which means if someone added you as an e-contact they are probably already interested in what you have going on online!

Emails also guarantee at least some percentage will show up because we're talking directly to our list - no middlemen required for this particular form of communication.

email marketing

Email marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to reach your audience. No matter how big or small you are, emailing has become a key way for any business owner to stay in touch with their customer base online.

Just make sure you don't email your readers too much. They will stop reading your emails or delete them. Be careful with the subject line of your emails because these are what make people open them. If they never open, they can't visit your website!

Learn more about “How to Start Email Marketing For Beginners – A Simple Guide to Successful Email Marketing”.

3. Traffic from Social Media

There are more than 3.4 billion people who use social media every day. Social media is the first place that companies go when they want to get new visitors for their websites. 

It's True that almost twice as many people visit a company's website from social media than from a traditional marketing campaign, and more of those visitors become leads for the company.

Famous people like Kim Kardashian and Beyoncé have always known the power of social media, but it took a poll to show us that 92% of small business owners also believe in its importance.

Kim Kardashian

It's not just a hobby anymore. Social media is important for any company, large or small to have in order to get the word out about their product and services.

For starters, it can help you build brand recognition which will grow your bottom line overtime by making potential customers more aware of what they offer.

It also helps if you want an easy way to connect with people who may be interested in buying from them as well!

Strategies to increase website traffic for social media:

1. Optimize your social media profiles (biography)
You know the old saying, never judge a book by its cover? I'm here to tell you that's crap.

Because if your social media profiles aren't up-to-date and optimized with relevant keywords - think of them as brand building billboards on steroids!

People will drive right past without so much as giving it a second glance because they'll be too busy scrolling through their feed.

You don't want people overlooking your profile for all eternity do you?

social media profiles

Social media profiles are the modern day resume, and if you want to stand out from your competition, this is the way to do it.

A good social media profile can drive a lot of traffic through keywords which in turn boosts SEO ranking for those specific pages on your website.

Your biography should be filled with relevant keywords so that when people search or browse through what's popular these days they'll see yours first-- boosting brand recognition by leaps and bounds!

Don’t forget to keep the link to your homepage on all social media sites.

This way, you have a chance at being found through search results!

2. Promote your blog content 

When you put a lot of effort into writing something, you want people to read your blog. If lots of people don't see it, what is the point? Promote your blog posts on social media so that more people will see them and read your content.

Start promoting your blog content by creating a social media schedule. I recommend using some automatic tools like: buffer, Hootsuite or Social Jukebox.

The key to success in marketing your blog to social media is by promoting it with a variety of messages. To keep your feed fresh and attract the target audience, here are some tips for you:

1. Quote different snippets from articles on social media sites

2. Asking relevant questions that people may have about the post

3. Choosing images that represent how well-spoken, or profound one is talking about within writing.
Remember people like looking at pictures!

And also trying new things out every so often by changing up both headlines & quotes will make it easier when promoting pieces later down the line.

You can change headlines every 2-4 months which will help create new content without sacrificing old articles.

4. Finally, remember not to use too many hashtags all over social media outlets as this could come off as spammy/unprofessional before long if used.

It is important to have a blog posts with titles and post URLs all queued up, so that you can publish them at any given moment. Prospective clients will appreciate your consistently updated content for sure!

3. Post your blog content consistently

A social media strategy is only as successful as the number of followers you have, and what better way to get new ones than through posting your content on a regular basis? A good list of followers just doesn't happen: it takes hard work.

That's why maintaining an active presence on all major sites can help develop a great social media marketing plan.

What are the best posting frequencies for social media?

blog post

Different social media have different minimum posts per day, and you should research the other brands' post frequency to find out how often your brand needs to send a message.

A brand's social media post frequency is a delicate balance of making their content interesting and creative, not too spammy or desperate for engagement.

But while you may be tempted to try different posting frequencies until one sticks, there are certain best practices that will help your business know exactly what the right amount of posts should be.

The recommended minimum posting frequency:

  • Twitter: 15 tweets daily
  • Facebook: 1 post daily
  • Instagram: 1-2 posts weekly
  • YouTube: once a week with high quality video
  • Pinterest: three to four pins a week

Examine competitors as well so that you can monitor their activity and keep up with them.

4. Create Viral Content like Memes

It's really hard to make any social media post go viral. It requires a lot of time and dedication, but it can be done!

When you're looking for followers on your page, one thing that'll help is if the posts are more interactive - like questions or polls. This will get people talking about what they think instead of just liking everything without actually engaging with their thoughts.

Viral content is a trend that has been steadily climbing in recent years. The ability to share information and messages quickly with just the click of a button means any message can go viral, if it’s shared enough times.

A meme is a funny image, video, or text that is shared on social media.

The best memes are creative and make people laugh or be shocked.

Memes can also be relatable when they talk about things that other people might care about too.

5. Focus on Sharing Visual Content

According to recent polls, visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. In addition, tweets with images received 150% more retweets!

So if you're using visuals in your content strategy, put them front and center.

visual content

Social media is meant to be interactive and engaging. However, scrolling through a feed can lead you from one post about puppies to another with no real goal in mind.

In order to have your content stand out on social feeds, try sharing visual content that captures the interest of viewers for more than just seconds at a time!

With so much competition on social media, it's hard to make your voice heard and stand out - but with visuals you can put yourself at the top of people's feeds by presenting them in a different way.

Spend some time crafting images that show off what makes you unique or share something no one else will have. Share them later with your target audience--and watch how quickly their numbers increase.

To take advantage of social media, it's important to create photos that are well-designed and colorful. With these tips in mind, you'll be on the right track for success!

  • Use HD photography to create vibrant colors and well-designed layouts with a focus on telling stories.
  • Well planned visuals delivering the point information will help your post stand out.
  • Focusing more on services rather than products can increase customer satisfaction as they feel their needs are being met.

You can make a graphic with Canva for each social channel you're trying to get traffic from.

6. Engage with Your Target Audience Consistently

Social media is a powerful tool for building relationships with your target audience. You can be interactive, get feedback on the fly, and improve customer engagement by being more active online. An engaged social following will boost traffic to both your website and profile!

Engage with Your Target Audience

One of the most vital aspects of being a social media manager is keeping your audience engaged. It's important that you don't use self-promotion or anything else that may distract from this process because it can be seamless and keep them coming back for more.

A company should always have their clients in mind when they are doing content marketing, but also themselves as well.

Engagement with audiences through digital means helps keep followers interested which leads to good relations between brands and customers on an individual level too!

In this passage, I'm going to tell you about how digital media can aid in social networking management by keeping your followers constantly interested through witty engagements that do not involve relentless promotional tactics!

  • Remember that nearly 34% of customers prefer social media for customer care and 11% receive replies from online brands.
  • Social media should be viewed as a two-way street.
  • You need to keep your audience engaged, or else they will leave you in the dust!
  • Manage your social media inboxes regularly.
  • You should lead your audience with single-stream inboxes and niche content.

Getting a good grip on your audience visibility will take some time but you need to keep up the momentum for visitors continuously.

7. Research the Competition Thoroughly

You know that social media is like a never-ending game of chess. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "think before you move" your piece on the board?

Well it's just as important to think about what type of message or view point you want to put out into cyberspace before publishing anything onto any platform - especially if there are other players in this online world who have similar values and beliefs.

Research the Competition

It's hard to navigate the world of social media. Before you post, make sure that your competitors have given their insights first.

This gives you an idea of how to build and create the perfect social family for yourself - not imitate them but understand their strategies so that they can be used by YOU instead.

Who are all the people that your target audience is paying attention to? This is not about looking at just the people who compete with you, but rather the people who your customers listen to.

You need to know what social media sites they use. You also need to know what words and phrases they use, their favorite colors or imagery, what hashtags they use, and anything else that you can think of. They might post things on the internet that are free or paid.

Reviewing what other influencers and marketers in your niche are doing will help you create brand awareness.

8. Participate in Social Groups

You can find great opportunities for your business on the internet by joining some of these active communities, especially those with people that have the same interests as you.

You'll be able to identify their interest in what you're selling and get them more interested through a little bit of networking!

Join an active community group where you can meet like-minded individuals who may also be looking at similar products or ideas than yours.

The best way to do this is join groups found online such as Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp LinkedIn and Pinterest which are all social media sites perfect for finding new connections and building relationships so they could potentially become customers too!

participate social group

What is your target market? What do they like? Where can you find them online? Join those groups because they might be interested in what you have to say.

Analyse Current Traffic Sources 

Analyzing traffic to your website is an excellent way of knowing what's working and where you are currently getting the majority of visitors.

To do this, analyze Google Analytics for all current sources. This will provide insight into who they're coming from as well as why they decided to visit in the first place.

Google Analytics is not only a great way to understand what your site visitors are looking for and when they visit, but also which devices they use to access it.

You can use this information to make good marketing decisions when you are on the web. Decide what channels are worth investing in and which ones aren't bringing as much traffic as they used to?

We can double down on our efforts with those who work well for us or eliminate them completely if we find something more productive!

Learn more about: How to connect your website to Google Analytics?

Google Analytics

Unique visitors

The idea of a visitor is pretty simple. A person that visits your site and does something on it, like clicking around or scrolling through an article are classified as visitors to the website.

When you visit a website, your IP address sends information to the server that stores and displays web pages. Most of these servers keep track of how many times someone visits their site with the same IP address.

Unique visitors refer to the number of individuals who visit a website or set of web pages in one day. The number of visits will be filtered for spiders and robots.

What is the difference between “Unique visitors” and “Visit”?

A visitor can be counted as many times they visit a website, but the same person is only considered one Unique Visitor.

Unique visitors are only counted once no matter how many times they return to the website. In general, you will always have more visits than unique visitors.

In Google Analytics, it labels unique visitors as "users" and visits as "sessions."

google analytics - users and sessions

Why is it important to measure unique visitors?

One person visiting multiple times throughout the day is counted as just one unique visitor and they are considered more valuable than someone coming once.

Because you know that this single individual has visited your site before. Unique Visitors will not only be interested in what new content may have been added since their last visit but also revisit old favorites too.

Unique visitors have a lot more to offer than just an occasional visit to your site; these individuals come back routinely for various reasons (like new content) and send their friends in person or through social media links too.

The number of unique visitors to a site is one way that web analytics are measured and gives an indication of the volume or traffic on any given day.

The numbers have become increasingly important in recent years with advertising revenue coming into play, so it's no wonder some sites rely solely on this metric for their livelihoods.

You can find out what the customer thinks about what they like and don't like about your website.

Then you can make it better.

Final Thoughts

Persistence and patience are the keys to staying alive in this competitive online world. Oftentimes, customers are just looking for a quick fix or solution that appears on their screen without much thought given to it. 

Being customer-centric will help drive more traffic by using proven strategies that may be time-consuming but yield long-term results.

Building free traffic is like a marathon, not a sprint race. You can't rush it! But I promise that when you put in the work, your efforts will pay off... eventually!

I hope this article has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!

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