
How To Write SEO Articles For Beginners – Simple SEO Guide 

 May 10, 2021

  min read - By  Mason

In this post, I am going to share with you how to write SEO articles for beginners.

Search engines are getting smarter, and the competition is harder. The days of stuffing keywords into your content are long gone. Writing SEO-friendly content that actually helps people can be a challenge for beginners. 

As a newbie blogger, you don't have to go it alone. This guide will teach you how to write SEO-friendly content that gets found in search results and converts visitors into customers.

1. What is SEO-friendly content?

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps by making pages easier for crawlers such as bots that index information.

What does SEO-friendly mean anyway? When we say SEO (search engine optimization) friendly, this is referring very specifically to how easy your text is for search engines like Google or Bing can read and rank properly.

So when you are writing articles online with keywords around specific topics then these words should appear throughout without “walls” of text separating them too much which would make the article difficult for any reader including machines or spiders crawling through sites automatically indexing.

Have you ever been looking for something on the internet and clicked what seemed to be a promising link, only to bounce off of it? That's because many websites nowadays have "SEO-friendly content." This means that they load quickly in order to keep people from bouncing.

An SEO-friendly website will always generate more traffic than one without it because search engines like Google want everyone with internet access to find webpages quickly so they list them higher on search results and provide links back to the site owner from other websites linked at rank.

2. Why is it important to write SEO-friendly content?

Writing SEO-friendly content is a great way of making money and can be quite profitable and increase your website's rankings and improve its visibility. Plus, these days it seems like Google likes websites with good quality text that people are actually spending time reading!

Content is king these days more than ever before!

  • Content has always been king as a marketing tool, but now more than ever before the quality of content is everything.
  • Content is the new currency of today's marketing world.
  • Content has become a critical component for most businesses, which means that it needs to be done right and on time.

3. How do you know if your content is SEO-friendly?

How do you know if your content is being seen by Google?

The search engine rankings of a website are determined in part, but not limited to, the text on that site. This can include keywords found throughout the page and other factors such as word count or how often it has been updated recently.

Connect your website to GOOGLE ANALYTICS and GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE. These two tools are important and can help you to analyze your data in terms of traffic coming to your website.

4. Tips and Tricks for beginners

The following tips are helpful for those who want to begin writing SEO articles.

  1. 1
    Understand the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is important because it will help you write a better article that can be found by people looking online, which means more traffic and hopefully leads!
  2. 2
    Make sure your article has keywords in them - this helps search engines find what they're trying to match up with searches.
  3. 3
    Well-written content usually ranks higher on Google. It's imperative that the voice of your article is helpful and attractive to readers. You should always use keywords in different ways throughout each sentence so they're easy for search engines to find, but don't overdo it - you want people reading what you write too!
  4. 4
    What's good about having an author rank? If there isn't anything ranking well then at least someone knows how to do it so why not apply these strategies if nothing else works out.
  5. 5
    Knowing when something doesn't work: Sometimes a popular topic might not perform as.
  6. 6
    The tone of voice used within articles must be friendly enough for any reader who comes across them on Google or another engine.
  7. 7
    It can get annoying when websites are filled with text about trivial topics like "How To" pages without useful information being shared as well; however this doesn't matter if we have an online presence which attracts attention from those searching online rather than regular internet users simply scrolling.

5. Common mistakes that people make when writing their own blog posts and how to fix them

Why are you failing at blogging, and how to fix it?

People are always making mistakes with their writing. It's not that hard to avoid them all, you just need a little help from me! Let's go over some of the most common ones and how they can be fixed:

  1. 1
    Don't write in a cold tone - be warm with the reader by using friendly words like "you" or "your."
  2. 2
    Pay attention to word choice- don't use difficult language if an easy synonym is available
  3. 3
    Be sure there aren’t any typos as well!
  4. 4
    You should also try proofreading your work before publishing it for public viewing - eye strain will only hurt more after hours spent editing articles.

You'll feel much better about yourself once these mistakes have been fixed!

6. The Simple SEO Guide for beginners

There's tons of information out there about finding what works best for you - but rather than making this process difficult or confusing, it should become easier as time goes on because learning from others' mistakes has never been so helpful!

A Google search for SEO ranking factors in 2021 will lead you to hundreds of different ranking factors. Naturally, this can make it difficult because there are simply too many!

And most of them are very technical and geeky, where even an expert struggles to understand what they're actually saying.

I recommend following the Simple Guide to writing your SEO-friendly articles.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Website To Be an SEO-friendly Website

It's important to have an SEO-friendly website. One of the key factors is having your site set up and ready for search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some tips on how you can do this:

  • Building Your Website of Pillar Pages & Well Structured Sites
  • Creating Your Homepage
  • Creating Your Pillar Pages & Blog Structure
  • Setting Up The Pillar/Silo Page

Go to my previous post to see how to set up an SEO-friendly website.

Step 2: Keyword Research

2-1 Tools You Will Need - Introducing Jaaxy

Jaaxy was created by affiliate marketers for the purpose of easing the challenges of running a successful and profitable online business. If you're at home wondering what to do next in terms of keyword research, competitor research or market research, all you have to do is visit Jaaxy's website http://www.jaaxy.com/ - a free trial with 30 free searches.

Jaaxy is simple and easy to learn for starters. The interface has an intuitive design, making it straightforward even for beginners. Jaaxy's customer service team can answer any questions you might have about the platform; they provide concise tutorials as well!

2-2 Understanding Intent Behind Keywords

The Keyword Research should be done because you need to understand the intent behind keywords so that your content is appealing.

However, keyword Research is a challenging task for anyone. To ensure you come up with the best keywords, it's important to understand what people are looking for and how they talk when searching on Google or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

The tone of voice should be helpful so that readers can avoid making mistakes while conducting keyword research themselves.


Fulfilling the intent of the searcher is more important than SEO optimization

Start a Blog | My Merry Life

2-3 Long Tail Keywords

Focusing on long-tail keywords is the best way to increase your website's rankings. Long-tails are key-phrases that are more specific and usually longer than commonly used words, but they get less search engine traffic.

They typically have a higher conversion value because of their specificity; you can gradually build up visitors as people eventually find these particular pages through the use of Google queries or social media links in which users share those pages with others who then come back for repeat visits!

Focusing on long tail keywords will help create an SEO strategy that increases click through rates (CTRs). Since fewer customers view them due to lower keyword density, there’s no need for advertisers to bid high prices for prime positions – thereby effectively increasing

2-4 Understanding Competition

Before writing an article, it's always a good idea to research the competition. This will help you know what angle to take and how best to optimize your content for search engines.

Don't just assume you know everything about your market. Researching the competition can help improve your article and what you offer.

The best strategy is to look at your competitor article
and make your article 10 times better.

Step 3: Creating Content

3-1 Injecting Keyword Rich Content

In an effort to help you rank higher in search engines, it is important for your article's content to be keyword rich.

If there are key phrases or keywords that keep coming up when potential customers are doing searches on the topic of what type of product a company sells and how they can purchase said products from them, then their website should have plenty of articles about those topics on their site.

This will ensure more traffic as well as better rankings with Google because online readers may think the business knows exactly which "hot" words people would use while looking for this information (even if they actually just happen along one).

3-2 Internal Linking, External Links and Referencing - Add-Ins for SEO

How to structure your writing for better search engine optimization: Internal Linking, External Links, and Referencing.

For SEO-friendly articles it is important to have Internal Linking, External Links, and Referencing. These features will help create an article that ranks higher on the search engine result pages (SERPs) as well as one that readers are more likely to enjoy reading through.

So what do these components entail?

Internal Linking 

It's a good idea when writing articles or blog posts about different topics within your site to link them together.

With links in order of subject relevance from most relevant first so it becomes easier for people browsing around your website once they find something interesting.

Then, they can easily navigate back up by following those same internal references links you created earlier which all leads right back where they started their journey off at.

External Referencing 

External Links are also needed for SEO-friendly articles, which means the links in those references need at least one word from each reference linking back to your site so Google can find it too!

Finally, make sure all links have anchor texts with relevant keywords inserted into hyperlinks.

3-3 Headlines and H Tags

When writing articles for SEO purposes, it is important to include headlines and H tags. Headlines are the first thing that people see when they look at your article which means you want them to be catchy enough so as not only do search engine indexes pick up on these points but readers will too!

The strategy of including headlines, headings, subheadings, captions with links within the article content will help you rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and key phrases as well as increase user engagement because they are more likely to read headline text than regular paragraph text which can be time consuming for readers.

These also tell Google what section should rank higher than others based on keywords used throughout the text because if a lot of keyword phrases appear in one paragraph then that particular part deserves more attention from search engines since there's already high density right?

3-4 Image Optimization

For SEO-friendly articles, it is important that you have optimized the images so they look good on a screen.

Here are some tips for optimizing images:

  • Make sure the image is not too large. Screens can only display certain sizes of an image before it starts looking blurry or pixelated. Don't make this mistake! Keep those dimensions in mind when using graphics and photos throughout blog posts and articles.
  • When uploading an optimized photo, be sure that its file size doesn't exceed 100 MB; otherwise there may be problems with loading times if people need to scroll down quickly through many pages while browsing online content from their smartphones or tablets (or other mobile devices). This problem could cause slowdowns which would discourage readership - let's avoid it.
  • Consistently use high quality photos with well lit backgrounds for an eye catching effect, usually around 1600x900 pixel (If you have a tablet or something)
  • Tone down colors and saturation so they don't get lost in the shuffle of text.
  • Optimize your images for different devices. The most popular screen size people use on their phones are between 400 and 480 pixels in width. If an image isn’t optimized then it will blow up into what looks like a small square with big black bars that take up about 25% of each side of your phone display if someone views this online from one device at full resolution before they switch over to another mode which might be 1920 x 1080 pixels wide but only 500 pixels tall.
  • In order words - make sure there's enough space on either sides so when viewing them on smaller.

3-5 Bullet Points & Menus

Your content should have bullet points and menus that make it easy for the reader to comprehend.
For website viewers, it's important that you have the bullet points and menus in a practical tone.

It is vital to take into account how your content will be read aloud for SEO purposes. For instance, if I'm reading this article out loud on my phone: "For SEO-friendly articles, it is important that you have included the bullet Points and menus" would sound odd because people wouldn't know what they should do with them.

3-6 Meta Description – Search Engine Results Pages

In order to make your articles SEO-friendly, you should include Meta Descriptions.

The first step is making sure that every article has a meta description so it can be indexed and properly ranked in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs).

One of the most important parts about SEO is your Meta Description. This section includes a sentence or two that will be displayed at the top of search engine results pages for your article, so it's very easy for readers to know what they're getting into before clicking on it.

3-7 Mobile Responsiveness

The SEO-friendly articles must be optimized for different devices, such as mobile phones and tablets.

Optimizing your article for different devices is essential to achieving SEO-friendly articles. A helpful tone of voice in the text will engage readers while making it easier for them to find what they're looking for on all their screens and platforms.

By optimizing an article's content, title tags, meta descriptions, headings styles and keywords with a friendly tone of voice that makes it easy to locate information quickly across various screen sizes & operating systems - you'll be able achieve top rankings by search engines like Google.

3-8 Backlink Building

It's important to include backlinks, because they'll help your article become more SEO-friendly.

The process of publishing an online content can be a lengthy one and in order for it to rank well on search engines like Google or Bing, the writer has no choice but to make sure their articles are compliant with these requirements by including links that lead readers elsewhere on the internet.

3-9 Call to Action

At the end of blog post, ask users to take action will help your article become more SEO-friendly. This ensures that the content is easily found by visitors when searching for relevant information, and will also allow you as an author increase visits from search engine results pages since it ranks higher with those who are specifically looking for articles on this topic.

Learn more: Inserting Blog Call To Action With Thrive Leads


It can be difficult to know where you should start when it comes to SEO. There are so many factors that go into a successful and ranking article, from keywords, the length of your post, how much time you spend on social media promotion - not to mention all those complicated ones like backlink profiles. 

In fact, the most effective way of improving your search engine rankings has been found by doing these very basic steps over and over again. If none of this sounds like anything new or exciting for you as a beginner, don't worry! There's no need to get caught up in complex ranking factors when we have all the information laid out right here on our blog post.

When starting out as a beginner in web design or writing for SEO purposes, we recommend taking things one step at a time. Start with what is easily controllable-the basics-and then rinse and repeat until you get the hang of it.

Remember that it’s never too late to make changes and improve your content marketing strategy!

Follow this checklist from one end to another every time you build content for your website. And I guarantee that at some point in the future someone is going to be linking back to something you've written about because they think it's valuable enough.

I hope this article has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!