
How to Find a Niche for a Blog – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners 

 July 2, 2021

  min read - By  Mason

If you're wondering how to start a blog, but have no idea what to write about and are worried it won't work out - don't worry. There is an answer for everything!

If the thought of starting your own blog has crossed your mind or you already have some ideas in mind, then this article will help get that ball rolling. 

One of the most important decisions when starting a blog is picking that niche. Today I am going to share with you what a blog niche is, why you need it, and “ How to find a niche for a blog”.

What is a Blog Niche?

Blogging niches are a way to distinguish oneself from the rest of the blogger population.

By creating an online identity, you can position yourself as the leading authority on your topic and make money in exchange for promoting products that will help people like them.

What is your blogging niche? You can figure out what type of blog would work best for you by exploring the different types of content or interests that you could write about.


You should pick something you're passionate about, and it's best to do your research before committing so make sure there are plenty of people interested in what you want to write about for blogging purposes!

It's important that your blog niche is specific enough. If the topic you choose on its own has a lot of specificity, then it will be much easier to know who your target audience should be and what content they want to see from you.

Why do You Need a Blog Niche?

The first thing you need to do before starting a successful blog is choose your niche. If you start with a specific niche, there are much higher chances of getting success.

There are so many benefits to choosing a specific niche. 

  • First, when you focus on one area of interest it allows for better brand awareness and effectiveness in that particular field. 
  • You will get targeted audiences, which means your site could become an authority website—providing quality information for people who are going through what they're going through right now.
  • You'll also be able to build your own community around the topic which is much more beneficial than relying solely upon social media channels like Facebook or Twitter as they're not targeted towards what matters most to you!
  • Of course, there's always an increase in profitability because people will find exactly what they want easier with less scrolling through pages and pages worth of content before finding something interesting.
  • If your site becomes known enough then advertisers might come looking for you too!

The Ultimate List of Profitable Niches

There are different types of categories that make more money than others. If you have a passion for one, you might want to use it as the basis for your niche.

Affiliate marketing niches

1. Online Business/How to Make Money Online/Affiliate marketing

This is one of the most popular niches and it's for those who want to start their own business online. It gives you all the tips, tricks, tools that make your goal a reality.

Health/Fitness niches

2. Health/Fitness

The health niche contains blogs that share advice on how people can take care of their bodies and live healthier lives.

This includes topics like fitness, good food choices, supplements to take for specific conditions or ailments (like arthritis), as well as general tips & tricks about maintaining a healthy life - from what you consume to your mental well-being.

Relationships niches

3. Relationships

Relationships come in many shapes and sizes. From first dates to long-term partnerships, it includes but is not limited to: dating, marriage counseling, family therapy and everything in between.

Pets niches

4. Pets

If you're one of those people that can't say no to a cute puppy, you'll love the Pets niche.
The Pets niche contains blogs by and for pet lovers covering everything from interesting facts about pets to advice on training your pets.

And, advice on what kind of food should be fed in order for them to live long and healthy lives (or at least as long as possible).

Art niches

5. Art

The Art niche is a perfect channel for those who are passionate about visual arts.

Whether you're looking to stay in the loop on all of the latest art news, want your daily dose of inspiration from other artists' work or just enjoy putting together an Instagram feed that reflects your tastes and interests with cool pictures-- this category has got it all!

Crafts niches

6. Crafts

The Crafts niche contains blogs that share craft projects with hilarious and wistful sentiments to inspire and help people who like to make stuff. The Crafts niche is a paradise for people who like to make things with their hands.

You'll find blogs from all over the world that will show you how to do everything from quilting, knitting and crochet right down to soap-making or candle-waxing - if it can be done by hand then there's probably some blog out there doing just that!

Personal Growth/Development niches

7. Personal Growth/Development

The Personal Growth niche contains blogs that help people develop and grow their talents, overcome obstacles, feel happier or enhance the overall quality of life.

Personal Finance niches

8. Personal Finance

The Personal Finance niche contains blogs that help people manage their money. For example, on managing one's money better day-to-day by understanding concepts like diversification of risk and maximizing return for a given level of investment.

Parenting niches

9. Parenting

The Parenting niche covers a wide range of topics, from the scary and confusing to the beautiful journey, whether you're expecting your first child or raising teenagers on your own!

Travel niches

10. Travel

The Travel niche contains blogs that tell the stories about travel from one place to another, and share your adventures. You can also share how to have a good time while traveling.

Food and Drink niches

11. Food and Drink

The Food and Drink niche contains blogs that share recipes for good food and drinks. People can use these recipes to make delicious dishes and drinks at home.

Marketing niches

12. Marketing

The Marketing niche is a way to describe the target market for any given product. It can be difficult, but it's important that you find your perfect audience if you want people to buy from or invest in what you're selling.

Marketing niche is a classification of industries, products or services that are marketed to consumers. For example: A consumer may expect quality food from the restaurant industry and good customer service in retail stores.

Fashion niches

13. Fashion

The Fashion niche is for blogs that help people think about what they are going to wear, and it keeps people up-to-date with the newest outfits.

Gardening niches

14. Gardening

The Gardening niche contains blogs for people who want to create a beautiful garden, you can provide the gardening tips and tricks right here on your blog.

Photography niches

15. Photography

There's no better way to capture a moment in time than with photography. For those who love this art, the Photography niche is perfect for sharing tips on how to take more beautiful shots and incredible photographs.

Leadership niches

16. Leadership

The Leadership niche is for blogs that help people improve their leadership skills by offering advice on how to achieve personal and business goals.

Productivity niches

17. Productivity

To live a productive life, it's important to have the right tools. The productivity niche is for blogs that provide tips for you to be more productive. You will get more done, and be able to save time.

How to Choose a Great Niche for Your Blog?


What are you passionate about? The topics you love to talk about are the ones that will get your blog posts written.

The topic of conversation for a great blogger is one they can't stop talking about, and when writing their articles on it regularly.

You know a lot about your favorite topics. They're the ones you should choose to blog on, because then you'll be able to write more and it will keep giving fresh content for visitors.

It’s important not only to pick something we love but also one with which we are well-versed; otherwise writing becomes tedious as there is nothing left from our reservoir of knowledge or interest (or both).


Picking a subject to write about is probably the scariest part of blogging. For many, it’s like picking your favorite Disney film - you can have a hard time choosing just one!

But if there's anything I've learned from my own blog experience and research into other blogs-to-be, you need to pick something that interests YOU so much that not only do you know an awful lot about it but also feel comfortable enough talking nonstop for ages on end without getting bored or running out of things to say.

You do not need to be a real expert. The most important part is that you are passionate and excited about what you are writing about. Just write about something that you care about so it can make people talk in the comments section.

It's easy when people start running out of new ideas - that's what happens in blogging too!

Knowledge and Strengths

  • What kind of strengths do you have?
  • What do you know about that topic?
  • How much knowledge do you have in that niche?
  • Do you want to learn more about the same topic?
What kind of strengths do you have?

You need to share your knowledge with people who want it. You should tell them about the things you know and what you know. They will then be interested in your ideas or knowledge.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Your job is to make sure that your strengths will help you succeed with your blog. Not making this happen can hurt your chances of succeeding.

The only way to really make your blog work is to focus on what you're good at. If there's anything else that needs doing, it should be outsourced so you can spend the bulk of your time writing content and not worrying about editing or design.


Is this niche profitable or potential?

The fundamentals of supply and demand are the key to success in any industry, not just blogging.

Therefore, you must first determine whether or not there is a large enough audience for your niche? Is there a sufficient demand? Are other people already producing content about it?

What kind of revenue streams can you tap into- affiliate marketing or selling ebooks on Amazon, maybe both!

What are some of your other options to make money online if this particular one doesn't pan out as lucrative enough on its own merits?

You're going to need all these factors to be successful: enough supply and demand with enough competition.

Is your niche profitable?

Afterward, it becomes important to gauge the success rate via traffic analytics tools like Google Analytics in order to get real data points from which we can judge our decisions accordingly.

Almost every single niche has an opportunity to make money. Your goal right now is building a foundation of your business.

Market research & competition

What is an amount of interest for your niche? It is important that you should choose a niche that has a steady amount of interest.

Search for your term (niche) using a five-year analysis by Google trends. Google trends measures the interest of people in a certain topic. I am going to use “dog training” as an example below to check out the result.

google trends- dog training

If there is no interest, it will be 0 and if there is a lot of interest, it will be 100. It's good to see steady numbers in the middle for your niche blog idea. This means that you can make a blog for these things and it will be popular with people.

By using Google search, you can get a great idea of the competition for your niche. I am going to use “dog training tips” as an example below to check out the result.

google search-dog training tips

When you look at search results, there are a couple of things to think about. First, the number on the top of the page is 261 million and that is a lot of websites. You might not have 261 million website competitors, but there may be many that belong to one website.

Then, scroll down to the bottom of these search results, and you’ll find some ideas of searches related to the ‘dog training tips’ niche.

google search-dog training tips-related searches

Step by Step Guide - Follow to find a great niche for your blog

Step 1

Based on your passion and knowledge, write down 3 broad niches without doing any keywords research.

For example,

Broad Niche
  • Broad Niche Idea 1: Pets
  • Broad Niche Idea 2: -----
  • Broad Niche Idea 3: ----- 

Use your common sense to figure out what you are interested in and good at adding value to.

You don't need to be an expert, just have a practical interest in the topic.

Step 2

Narrowing down your broad niches to sub niches, choose and write down 3 sub niches for each broad niche.

For example,

Broad Niche
  • Broad Niche Idea 1: Pets
  • Sub Niche 1-1: Pet Health
  • Sub Niche 1-2: Pet Training
  • Sub Niche 1-3: Pet Accessories 

Explore & Have Fun

  • You can find lots of information about your niche ideas by going to QuoraReddit, or YouTube.
  • Using keyword research tools like Jaaxy or Google to dig down more ideas for your niches.
  • Take your time and explore these sites. You will find a niche that is suitable for you. 

Step 3

Narrowing down your sub niche to micro niches, choose 3 micro niches for each sub niche.

For example,

Broad Niche
  • Broad Niche Idea 1: Pets
  • Sub Niche 1-1: Pet Health
  • Sub Niche 1-2: Pet Training 
  • Sub Niche 1-3: Pet Accessories 
Micro Niche
  • Micro Niche 1-1-1: Pet Diet & Health
  • Micro Niche 1-1-2: Pet Insurance
  • Micro Niche 1-1-3: Pet Food
  • Micro Niche 1-2-1: Dog Training
  • Micro Niche 1-2-2: Cat Training
  • Micro Niche 1-2-3: Parrot Training
  • Micro Niche 1-3-1: Pet Treats
  • Micro Niche 1-3-2: Pet Toys
  • Micro Niche 1-3-3: Pet Clothes

Use the above example, then complete to write down your own 3 broad niches, 3 sub niches for each broad niches and 3 micro niches for each sub niches. Now, you have 27 micro niches.

Don’t confuse yourself by building a list of 100 niches and then say “I’m confused, which one do I pick?”

The more specific your niche, the more targeted and focused you can be on "what they want"

Step 4

It's time to get rid of the niches that don't really fit your personality and style, so take a good hard look at them now!

Eliminate with Common sense

If you do not enjoy it or have experienced it before, then remove that niche from your list. But, if you don't know much about a niche and want to learn more, then keep it. You don't need to be an expert in the niche when you are starting out.

Don't choose a niche that you think is easier or less work. Choose what you really love and believe in.

Eliminate the E-commerce niches

Do not choose a niche that is more suitable for e-commerce and not blogging, YouTube or social media.
Eliminating the e-commerce niches will stop you from choosing a boring niche.

Focusing on information niches and emotional needs niches.

There is nothing wrong with e-commerce but that is not the focus of blogging.

Think over the social media compatibility

Select niches that will not spur negative comments or trolls. Avoid choosing things like politics, guns, animal cruelty as it may be too controversial and have strong feelings behind them which means there's always going to be people who disagree.

The best niches to choose are those with a lot of active users and post activity, this will result in more followers.

Later on, you might want to make more money for your business. You can do this with paid traffic and by using a lot of social media.

What are the niches that are banned from using paid traffic on Facebook?

Read this article to learn more about it. >>> 35 Banned and Restricted Products You Can’t Advertise on Facebook

If you pick a controversial niche, then it might not be possible to change the amount of customers that come in based on demand.

Final Thoughts

When you're looking to get into a new niche, don't overthink which one will work best for your specific needs.

Your business is based on the need for information about a specific query. You just need to know 1% more than the person who Googles for information, solutions, or value about that query.

Choosing a suitable niche is not set in stone. This is your choice but it is important to make a decision before you get started. Think about what kind of business you want. 

After that, choose that business and be sure that it is something you will enjoy doing for a long time. You should not be in a hurry with this decision because there are many different niches to choose from, so take your time.

I hope this article has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly!

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